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The Neon Romero

  Basic Information  

 Name:  Malaya Romero

 Age:  21 Years Old

 Height:  5'4"

 Weight:  163 lbs.

 Gender:  Cisgender Female

 Species:  Altered Human

 Race:  Stormborn

 Arcane Rank:  Paige

 Primary Magic:  Alumni; Jarngreipr

 Occupation:  Student at Ulreich


Detailed Information


Above all else, Malaya defines herself by an unwavering loyalty to her family and those fortunate enough to hold a cherished spot in her heart. Her commitment extends beyond mere words, as she actively endeavors to support and uplift those close to her, urging them to prioritize self-care because--as she isn't afraid to state--she "hates making new friends." However, despite this aversion, she navigates social interactions with a blend of sarcasm and snarkiness that surfaces when the context deems it fitting.


In casual conversation, Malaya doesn't seek to gratuitously offend others; instead, she consciously avoids unnecessary insults. Choosing a path of inclusivity and generosity (despite her own personal faults), she strives to create a welcoming environment for those around her.


Malaya is a young woman with a shorter stature and a complexion that exudes warmth with its distinct olive tone. Her physique is notably athletic, striking a balance between a comfortable amount of body fat and visibly lean musculature that becomes evident when her limbs and midsection are exposed. The texture of her shoulder-length hair is shaggy, featuring an underlayer of natural blonde strands intertwined with neon blue patches that catch the eye when she opts for an updo.


Moving to her facial features, Malaya possesses a small and rounded structure. The narrow and flat bridge of her nose complements the subtle arches meticulously shaped and trimmed into her brows. This careful attention to detail serves to accentuate the almondine silhouette of her deep brown-hued eyes.

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